Monday 4 June 2007

Its working again

Hi kiddies

Good news, I finally figured out my username on this thing and reset my password so the posts are going to come thick and fast (well, I can promise the thick bit but not sure about the fast comment )

Since my first post before my problems occured, there has been so much stuff happening. I've had a few fights with the missus and we've gotten over them but you always know another one is around the corner. Zara, my youngest has been walking for the past few months and she's even more hyper than the rest of the kids were at that age.

We did get some bad news that my pops has got Oral Cancer but its only 1cm at its early stage so they said they are going to operate on him within the next month. The surgery date is the 4th of July... the day the Americanos will be celebrating cos it was on this day about a decade ago that Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum saved America and the world from a deadly alien invasion ;o)

I'm thinking of taking up music again as I'm enjoying playing a few instruments to keep the kiddies amused. I bought a little kiddie music set the other week and we're all having fun with them, I love the tambourine and the drums, the girls love the keyboard n the boys cant get enough of the recorders and harmonica ;o)

Well, I think thats all folks for today... will try to post some more when I'm not being lazy

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